2022-23 Leftovers Player Poll

Wednesday Mar 29th, 2023

Gentlemen - the winners of the 1st annual KLHL Players Poll. Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone on a fun season!

Which player in the league still uses a stick from the last century?
Joe Pindur

Which player's hockey gear smells the worst?
Brad Horton

Who talks the most in the dressing room?
Ooooh! A three way tie between Rob Parsons, Jean-Marc, and Serge (that SnB dressing room must have been really loud :)

Who is the quietest in the dressing room?
A tie between Darryl Woodmand and Rob "the new guy" Romagnuolo

Which defenseman can actually skate backwards?
Another tie between Rob Romagnuolo and Mike McLay

Which player has the best hockey hair?
A tie between Keith "he IS a rockstar" Gordon and Steve Baron. It seems to be all about the flow. (Honourable mentions to Bob Gomm and Patrick Dufour).

Which player scored the most garbage goals this season?

Best dressed player? 
Tie between Rob Ward (for his flannel game day suit) and Brad Horton (for his shorts in winter)

Which player would you most want to use the defibrillator on you if you needed it?
Stephen "the good doctor" Archer. No question. He also does separated shoulders.

Who takes the longest in the shower?
Keith Gordon

Who wears the oldest underwear?
Dave Hanes (was this a bad pun?)

Who is the loudest on the ice?
Serge. (Nearly Unanimous, but no surprise. He only wrote that question so he'd be sure he'd win an award)

Who had the most spectacular fall this season?
A tie between Dave Hanes and Alex "the ref" Hanes (must be a genetic condition).

Which player is the most likely to win a beer chugging competition? 
Brad Horton (just narrowly beating our Rob Parsons).

Who would you most want as a teammate in your dressing room?
A tie between lots of people who all got single votes - so let's go with Scarlett Johansson (great nomination there :)