2023-24 Season

Saturday Aug 19th, 2023

Kingston Leftovers Hockey League is a 40+ recreational league in Kingston, Ontario.

Registration for the 2023-24 season is open. Use the link below to sign-up:


League wll likely run similar to last season with 5 teams, and 34 games. Cost is $550 per player and $400 per goalie ($200 each if two goalies on a team). Carha Hockey Insurance is included with registration. Depending on how many people sign up, we may be able to add a 6th team or tack on a few more games at no additional cost. 

The league draft will be in late September. An email will go out next month to everyone who is signed up with details on the draft.

We know that the first games will be played on Sunday October 1st 2023 and season will end March 31st 2024. 

Games nights and times are a little different than last year (we got rid of the late Wednesday time! :) 2 games on Sunday night, 1 game on Wednesdays, 1 game on Thursdays, all at the Invista Centre:

Sundays 8:30-9:30PM, Desjardins pad, Invista Centre

Sundays 9:30-10:30PM, Desjardins pad, Invista Centre

Wednesdays 9:30-10:30PM, MNP pad, Invista Centre

Thursdays 9:00-10:00PM, Selkirk pad, Invista Centre

If anyone knows of any interested sponsors, or anyone who might be interested in reffing some of our games, reach out to Don, Brad, Vaughan, or Jean-Marc.